Monday, July 25, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

I've been reeling from some things in my home life recently, and now I'm picking myself up and getting back to everything I put on the backburner. At the same time, I've been informed of a very disturbing situation forming. I urge you to read the Wild Hunt's article on the matter.

Spiritual warfare is very real, and more people need to be aware of what is happening in our country, and around the world. These people are practicing what many would call "black magic" forcing their will onto others, wishing harm upon those who will not conform to their ideas of what is right in the world. I grew up in an Apostolic church. I know what some of these people are capable of, and it's some scary scary shit.

It doesn't matter what your religion, or non-religion is. The fact of the matter is that these types of people are growing in desperation, and are already doing things that kill people who they don't agree with. I'm sure everyone has heard about the tragedy in Norway. Shit like that can, and has happened here in the states. For the same stupid reason: "these people are different from us, and believe something different than us so they must be evil"

We are mages, witches, priests, and priestesses, kings and queens of our domain. Do we not have power to change things? So why aren't we? Have we gotten so complacent, so jaded in our journeys into the self, that we forget our fellow man? How many of us do workings to aid the whole? The world, and the people in it? Is it because of the questionable ethics of meddling in the lives of others? Then what are we doing when we pray for the well being of a friend or a family member? Are we doing wrong then, if we didn't ask for their permission first? I don't think so, and I don't think you think so either. (though if you do, I'd love to hear more about why in the comments)

So what do I think we should do? What am I going to do, at very least? I am going to join other pagan bloggers, and start praying to Columbia. I'm going to make a conscious commitment to think about what this country stands for, and to put energy into preventing people from perverting that purpose. Did you know that in Texas the school board is writing Thomas Jefferson out of the history books? It's because he coined the term "separation of church and state" These people are not against warping history, and destroying facts to further their agenda.

Beyond that...I don't know. I just know that the foundation of our country is under attack, and that if the attackers had their way, there would be no compromise, no peace, only domination in the name of a being that they don't even come close to emulating.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Planetary Timing, Going With the Flow

The house is feeling much more secure and clean after my spur-of-the-moment magick the other night. I still have yet to do a reading to find out what that was all about, but everything seems ok for the moment at least.

Life is returning more or less to normal, with the added bonus of possibly noticing a pattern in regard to events and planetary hours. To explain, I've been working on selling off my lizard's 6ft cage, so I can move an 8ft cage in. It had gotten to the point that I needed to get the cage out, and had offered it to a local pet store if they would just come and pick it up. They were supposed to pick it up at 11am tomorrow.

I got an email this evening, during the hour of mercury, from a woman who had seen my ad, and wanted to come look at the cage. I called her back, and she came over to see it. She seemed to like it, but needed to call the snake breeder to see if the cage was right for what she needed. I told her I was available until 2am if there was any way that she could confirm that she wanted it, and could pick it up tomorrow.  So she went home to think it over, and to try to get ahold of the snake breeder. (It was past 10pm at this point) 

I realized after she left, that the email she sent me had been sent and received during the hour of Mercury.  I glanced at my planetary hour chart that I keep on my iGoogle home page, and it showed that the hour of Saturn had just started, soon to be followed by the hour of Jupiter. I decided to make a prediction based on this. I got ballsy enough to tell people in my friends circle (on facebook) that I was making the prediction, that within the next hour, I was going to hear back from this woman, and that she was going to take the cage, and that it would all be done before I had to leave tomorrow to Seattle.

I'll admit, as the hour of Jupiter was starting to draw to a close, I got nervous. I found myself thinking to myself "What if I'm wrong? I'll look silly to my friends, the people who matter in my life!" Then she called, with fifteen minutes to spare. Everything went smoothly, she offered a fair price, and we'll be getting it out of here by 3pm tomorrow afternoon.

I'm slightly nervous that my ride to Seattle has been silent for two days, despite attempts to call him, but I'm just going to kick back and trust the Universe on all of this. Why worry? The worst that happens is I have to postpone my trip by a few days, and I might have to clean up some lizard poop on the carpet. Pretty small thing to worry about if you ask me. It might put some plans to meet with potential clients on hold, and that might be a little embarrassing, but these things always happen for a reason. Something good is bound to be headed my way, even if it's not what I had planned. In times like this, it's good to just go with the flow :)

This is the little bastard who I'm going through all of this for btw. He's cute, so he gets away with making my life a little hectic. I suggest starting it at 0.15 then you avoid me blathering on with a camera in my face.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Prayers and Candle Magic

Things had been going swimmingly for a little while, and just the other day I hit a serious low spot. Being forced to suddenly re-evaluate your life plans will do that to you. I took the week off to deal with the situation, but thankfully the bounty of work I got last month will easily make up for this. Something strange happened last night though.

As I was turning off the lights, and getting ready for bed, I was hit by a sudden jolting need: I needed to pray. I didn't know why, but it was something I needed to do. I didn't know if it was for me, or for someone close to me, but something was wrong, and as I was setting up my altar, I felt the need to strengthen my wards and protect myself.  I took a white candle, and from bottom to top carved my desire to be protected, to be safe from harm. I finished setting up the altar, lit the candle, and prayed to both Anubis and Sekhmet. I thanked them for walking with me, and standing by me, and I asked Anubis to stand with me, and protect me from those who wish me harm, and I called upon Sekhmet to illuminate any negative situations or individuals lurking in the shadows that I needed to be aware of. I asked her to protect me, to help me to find my inner strength, and to reflect back any negativity being sent towards me.  I also asked that if there was anyone close to me who was at risk of being harmed, to grant them the same protection as well. I felt them both at my side, Anubis on my right, Sekhmet on my left. 

At some point during all of this, I became aware of a presence nearby. At the time it seemed as if something was actually stalking around my wards, possibly even testing them. This was incredibly unusual. I'd had encounters like this as a child, but never as an adult. I'm still unsure about what this actually was.

I focused on the candle as it burned, letting the warmth fill me, and my home, my sacred space. I saw the light pulsing around the candle flame, and let the energy expand outward, cleansing all negativity from my space, and establishing a wall of light around my place of living. I exploded this energy outwards several times, establishing that this was my home, my territory, and that I was protected. Whatever the presence was, went away while I was establishing the burning wall of light.

I stayed at my altar for a good two hours, letting the candles burn down, strengthening my wards, and centering myself. The candles burned cleanly, and without any problems. By the time everything was done, I was exhausted, and had no problems getting to sleep.

This was also actually the first time that I had worked in conjunction with Anubis and Sekhmet. I had worked with them separately, but something told me last night that I needed to work with them together. Hopefully the other times won't be for things so concerning.