Friday, July 8, 2011

Prayers and Candle Magic

Things had been going swimmingly for a little while, and just the other day I hit a serious low spot. Being forced to suddenly re-evaluate your life plans will do that to you. I took the week off to deal with the situation, but thankfully the bounty of work I got last month will easily make up for this. Something strange happened last night though.

As I was turning off the lights, and getting ready for bed, I was hit by a sudden jolting need: I needed to pray. I didn't know why, but it was something I needed to do. I didn't know if it was for me, or for someone close to me, but something was wrong, and as I was setting up my altar, I felt the need to strengthen my wards and protect myself.  I took a white candle, and from bottom to top carved my desire to be protected, to be safe from harm. I finished setting up the altar, lit the candle, and prayed to both Anubis and Sekhmet. I thanked them for walking with me, and standing by me, and I asked Anubis to stand with me, and protect me from those who wish me harm, and I called upon Sekhmet to illuminate any negative situations or individuals lurking in the shadows that I needed to be aware of. I asked her to protect me, to help me to find my inner strength, and to reflect back any negativity being sent towards me.  I also asked that if there was anyone close to me who was at risk of being harmed, to grant them the same protection as well. I felt them both at my side, Anubis on my right, Sekhmet on my left. 

At some point during all of this, I became aware of a presence nearby. At the time it seemed as if something was actually stalking around my wards, possibly even testing them. This was incredibly unusual. I'd had encounters like this as a child, but never as an adult. I'm still unsure about what this actually was.

I focused on the candle as it burned, letting the warmth fill me, and my home, my sacred space. I saw the light pulsing around the candle flame, and let the energy expand outward, cleansing all negativity from my space, and establishing a wall of light around my place of living. I exploded this energy outwards several times, establishing that this was my home, my territory, and that I was protected. Whatever the presence was, went away while I was establishing the burning wall of light.

I stayed at my altar for a good two hours, letting the candles burn down, strengthening my wards, and centering myself. The candles burned cleanly, and without any problems. By the time everything was done, I was exhausted, and had no problems getting to sleep.

This was also actually the first time that I had worked in conjunction with Anubis and Sekhmet. I had worked with them separately, but something told me last night that I needed to work with them together. Hopefully the other times won't be for things so concerning.


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