Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ever since seeing other friends of mine joining the blog bandwagon, I've considered getting a blog of my own. I argued with myself for a while, feeling like I didn't really have anything worth writing down, either for myself or for others. So what's my goal with this blog? Well, I'm not entirely sure yet myself. I suppose I'm hoping that starting a blog will urge me to write more and become more serious in my magical practices.

Originally a native of California, and being forced to move around a lot in the past...five years (Wow, it's really been that long? Yeah this is way overdue. ) hasn't been good for my magical practice. In fact, it's made me little more than a dabbler. It's hard for me to say that, it's not something I'm proud of. I used to be serious about my magical practice, doing morning rituals, evening rituals, and working hard to better myself. Oh, and I was arrogant, that didn't help. When you feel like you're some powerful force to be reckoned with, and practically steps from "enlightenment" Yeah, you aren't there yet, in fact nowhere near.

I've come to terms with this. Devoting yourself to the Great Work is hard. It takes time, dedication, and lots of time management skills. So what does this have to do with the title of the blog?  I've decided to return to my magical roots, start over, learn the lessons I didn't learn before, and hopefully grow into a better and stronger person for it. (Minus the arrogance of course)  My roots lie in working with the Egyptian pantheon. Originally I mainly just worked with Anubis in his aspect as a guardian. That's what I needed at that point in life. When I was a teenager and lived in an abusive household, I needed something to protect me. To me, this was Anubis, guardian and protector of orphans and lost souls. I had some other ideas about him at the time that were inaccurate (that he was a healer for example, and not just Lord of the Mummy Wrappings) I worked with him and engrossed myself in a magical life from age 13 to 18, and sometime after that I fell out of practice as much. Sure I still worked with my oracle cards, did some candle magic, fooled around with crystals, and did the LBRP one or twice a year or so, but my progress began to focus more on the material instead of the spiritual- mainly getting a job and establishing myself in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there's anything wrong with material pursuits. But I didn't know how to make time for magic. My time management skills were poor, and then I didn't know HOW I could practice while living in the dorms at college. I remember sometimes going up onto the roof of the building and doing my meditations and prayers up there, overlooking Lake Union and the towering mountains and city at the other side. But it wasn't the same as when I had my own private space.

Now I'm 23, out of work except for the occasional graphic design job, or painting commission (which always seem to show up right when I "NEED" them) and I find myself looking back towards magic, and how much more fulfilled I felt in my life when I was actively working towards the Great Work.

I'm hoping this blog will help motivate me to write about my experiences, and to have MORE experiences :)

The next post will be more interesting. I promise.


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