Sunday, November 28, 2010


After about a week (or two? I lose track of time) of getting back into the swing of things, I'm starting to notice things again. I've been convinced ever since I was younger, that there is a pattern to how things unfold in life. Whether this is because of some divine mechanism, or something else, I've never been sure.  

There have been times in my life when the pattern of cause and effect have been all too apparent, and/or there have been things happen that almost seem to foreshadow an event to come. Sometimes it's catching a word on the radio, getting a weird feeling, and then not thinking anything of it. Then you realize an eerie connection after the fact, when something related to that word happens to a friend. It's almost like a feeling of deja-vu when you stumble upon one of the "patterns" as I think of them. It's like the universe is speaking to you, and telling you to listen, because something is going to be important. 

This happened again today for the first time in ages. I was visiting a friend up in the Seattle area, and as we were driving, I kept seeing the name of another friend who lived in the region. It showed up on street signs, church signs, and other places. I thought nothing of it at first. I mentioned it to the friend I was with, because I thought it was cute when we went through a town with the same name. We hung out, had a great time, and then I had to catch my ride home. Once I've made the switch between vehicles and I'm headed home, I start noticing the street signs. I get this weird feeling and start wondering for a moment if it's somehow indicative of  that friend being in trouble. Then the next street sign had MY actual birth name on it, and I felt a chill. I took it as a sign, and immediately texted the friend in question, asking her if she was ok. I figured my fears would be put to rest as nothing more than the result of my overactive imagination. My heart sank when I got the message that she wasn't ok at all. As I found out, there had been a serious problem with her medication, and she was in a bad state. I let her know that if she needed anything while I was in the area, that she could call me, and my boyfriend and I would be there. She said she'd be ok, and I'm hoping that's the case. I have very mixed feelings about the situation. While on one hand I'm glad that my psychic skills are picking up again, I'm also very concerned about her health. I'm hoping that's all that the universe was telling me, and that there isn't more yet to happen. That's the problem with patterns- you never know where one ends and another begins.  

1 comment:

  1. There is definitely a pattern to all things. Everything leads to something else which leads to something else. I find it odd that so few people notice this fact, but have chalked it all up to there being too many distractions in modern society.
    As for where they end and begin, I don't think that they do. It's one big unending web of cause and effect. The tricky part is recognizing how the pieces fit together the farther removed from the current situation you get.
