Sunday, August 26, 2012

Desert Healing

I spent my last week in the desert to heal and to re-gain strength and understanding after a terrible ordeal.  I spent some time up at Pine Mountain at the edge of the Great Basin. I hiked out beyond the barbed wire fence, with my trusty camera, and followed my intuition on where to go. After a bit, I reached a point that had a view unlike anything I had ever seen. I cleansed myself with the wild sage that grew there, and opened myself to the universe. The energy was incredible, and I had some spiritual encounters there, which are too personal to write about here, and it introduced me on a deeper level to some Netjer who I had been somewhat unfamiliar with.
Not only did I have some experiences which challenged and changed some of the theories I had about the entities I work with, but there was something incredible about working magic by a sliver of moonlight at the top of a volcano, overlooking completely uninhabited wilderness. (I’m normally not this dramatic, but after having a really bad time of things, I needed a boost to make myself feel awesome. And what isn’t awesome about doing spiritual work on a volcano by moonlight?)
After a couple of recent encounters with Upwawet, I’m reconsidering my ideas on trying to put the Netjer on the tree of life. While I thought it might help me to understand how they relate to each other more, and the spheres they may rule, this does not appear to be the case. While I do feel I was right about Upwawet being…darker than Anubis in his attitudes, I think the examples I gave in my previous post were exaggerated and severe compared to the actual attitude of this god.
I’m still processing a….ridiculous amount of things, and working on putting my life back together after the recent trauma. Thankfully I have people in my life who love and care about me, who are helping me through these recent events, and spirits who are willing to help me to see myself and the world as it is, and not as what I fear. 
I may write in more detail about some things later, but for now this is enough.


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