Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Magick of Confidence

If there is one thing that the Sekhmet work has been doing for me in a big way, it's helping me with my confidence, and helping me discover, and utilize my own inner strength. Sekhmet came to me as the Lion of War, and while she certainly has the capacity to tear apart what opposes her with her fangs and claws, her true power lies in Confidence. A lioness doesn't doubt that she can take down her prey. She makes her plan, and she strikes. If the hunt is a failure, then she sets out to find another target. There is no room for doubt; there is only room for Strength. Sekhmet has been teaching me how to listen to myself, but how to ignore fears that nag at me, with no rational explanation. She's taught me how to ignore the whispers of my shadow, and how to gain a healthier sense of how to cultivate my Ego.

Since I've started working with her, and using the tools she has revealed to me, I've grown in more ways that I think I realized. Accusations by strangers that would have seriously hurt me at one time, now mean little to me, unless what they have said has any actual substance. I've been learning to push my boundaries, and trust my instincts. I've been using the tarot to do readings to make sure that I don't push myself into situations that would be potentially harmful.

I'm sending out my confidence to the universe, along with my humility at the gifts that I have been given. I radiate something now that I don't think I had before. People have started noticing, and it's helped my modeling work in a big way. My finances are now under control, and I'm making business connections left and right. I now even have some opportunities as an actress that I'm going to be exploring in just a couple of days! To top all of that off, I've also been given the opportunity to be initiated as a Neophyte in an Order up in Seattle! I'm to be initiated in just a couple of months :D

Things are definitely finally coming together, and I think being fired from my old job was a blessing in disguise. I'm now self-sufficient in ways I've never been before, learning things and experiencing things I never have, and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.  Things are looking up, but I wouldn't have had all of the opportunities I've had, (and have coming up!) without the confidence to take the steps I've made to make everything a reality.  I've got the help of my friends, both magical and non, to thank for that as well :) So here's to the future, great friends, and a wonderful Summer!


  1. That sounds very powerful, and also very much in keeping with Sekhmet. You looked like you were doing well that last time I saw you, and I'm glad that working with her is going so well for you.

    Btw, are you going to be at the Feywood otherkin gather in mid July ( The three of us will all be there, and I'd love to see you there.

  2. I'm not actually. I'll be prepping for Erelin and I's move to Olympia. I'm going to be either in Olympia, packing, making money to afford deposits and first month of rent, or god knows what. I'm doing a lot better financially, but I have to keep it up. However if any of you want to hang out at some point in town, let me know :)
