Friday, December 17, 2010


As of yet, I am still unsure as to whether or not the sudden appearance of my period is connected to the evocation. There are a couple reasons for this- one being that I am unsure whether the sudden start of my period is something that the spirits of Venus even have any control over. I've done some research, but that's the problem with the internet- I keep getting mixed information. Some places seem to say that the Moon rules over poor period health, while Venus is the opposite, and fixes menstrual cycles. Some places the Moon isn't even mentioned, and in some places they even say that Mars has a part in the feminine cycle because of the blood! (which I highly doubt)

Anyway, I'm also willing to say that this is some strange coincidence. As I'm not sure what particular spirits actually showed up, since I didn't use a seer, and since I currently lack the type of sight to have done more than "feel" the entity's presence. I'll probably do a reading on some of this once I'm feeling back up to par but for now, it's a mystery.


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