Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On movies and pagan deities

I saw Thor last night, and while I'm not Asatru, I am white, and have some Germanic heritage. The movie didn't bother me. I thought it was fun romp, laughed a lot, and still can't understand the controversy over Heimdall being portrayed by a black actor. The actor played the role well, regardless of his skin color. Some Heathens are crying out about how this is disrespectful to the god, and to their religion because of it's inaccuracy to what the old stories say the gods looked like. I don't get it. I really don't.

As an Egypto-Pagan, I understand that my personal religion is different than that of those who follow a Heathen path, but as someone who follows a path that incorporates Anubis as well as Sekhmet, I see a lot of misinformation and falsehoods about them all the time. Anubis is constantly being misunderstood by the mainstream as a "death god" or "god of the underworld" In film he's often portrayed negatively (Remember the Mummy Returns?) and even evil. This doesn't bother me. I see it as "this is not my god that they are portraying in the movie, just an entity that may or may not look similar and shares the name" They did not channel the god's essence into a film and somehow twist it in a form of blasphemy. Movies take an idea and run with it. They're fiction. Movies are meant to be fun, not fact. The exception is documentary-type work, that is intended to show an event in history.  In that case, we have every right to get out the red marker and start underlining everything wrong  with the film.

Skin color is nothing compared to having the very essence of who your deity is changed and re-packaged. I can understand people getting upset over the latter, but even then we have to realize that these are MOVIES, fantastical films meant to tell a fun story. These aren't our gods, they may share some characteristics, but these are fictional characters played by humans, or created by computer.  There's no reason to get upset about a comic book series from the 60s getting adapted into a movie that is intended to be nothing but fantasy.


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