Monday, May 2, 2011

Tarot work

So here I am in sunny California! What are my plans here? Well, hopefully to get some modeling gigs and make a little bit of money. The trick here is how to stay safe, and make sure that I'm not getting into anything I'm not expecting.

For this I've started turning more and more to the tarot to evaluate potential opportunities, and the people offering them. Since I'm going it on my own, without an agency, and working with mostly independent photographers, this makes things much more interesting, and safety is something I really have to consider when I'm in unfamiliar territory.

In this case, this afternoon I'm meeting a photographer at the subway station, and then we're headed to his studio. I've never met this person before. I can only go by what my gut tells me, and what other people can, if they have available references. I discovered a nifty tarot spread on a tarot forum that seems to be helping e greatly with this problem. It focuses on evaluating individuals through ten cards, to give you an overall view of their personality, quirks to watch out for, and how they got to be where they are.

So far I've discovered that this individual is prone to being a perfectionist, feels like they have little control in their lives, and goes from project to project. They've found some success, but seem to be somewhat melancholy despite it. They strive for acceptance and trust with those they work with, and desire to be seen as someone of authority. They have a lot of energy, and could be considered a bit of a fast-talker.

I can best deal with this person by being assertive if needed, and communicating clearly. Pretty typical photographer with some self esteem problems, and easily dealt with if they end up being shady. I've been doing this stuff for a few years, I know the type. Probably harmless, the cards aren't warning me of malicious intent, just that they might be a poor communicator and feel self conscious.

I'll be letting people know if I was on the money with all of that after I get back from the shoot. I've been trying to study the tarot a lot more lately while I've been on this trip, so It'll be interesting to see how accurate I am about something so specific.


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