Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tarot and protection- addendum

While on a trip, it's not be a bad idea to do a reading on the safety of time you actually travel. While faced with the decision of leaving my traveling companion behind, to stay longer in SoCal, I did a reading to look at the viability of staying another day or two, and finding my route back home by myself. The reading was grim. The 5 of cups reversed was influencing things negatively, and my future was the ten of swords, the final outcome was the five of pentacles reversed. The 10 of swords and 5 of cups had shown up in a previous reading of my traveling companion, but the meaning wasn't clarified. It showing up in a similar way as before, but more clear, was very worrying. So I decided to continue with my companion to return up north. I found myself thinking however, a little while after we got into the car. "Did those cards only represent that particular path of the future, or is it in play now?" No less than 15 minutes after I had that thought cross my mind, the car started to go almost out of control, and my traveling companion wasn't responding. We almost hit the guardrail north of LA going 60.

I'm not sure if we would have if I hadn't interfered or not, but I sure as hell don't think it was just a "coincidence" and plan to take this lesson seriously. 


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